Thursday 12 March 2009

The Power of Symmetry

Symmetry was my best friend with these ideas. They appeared by reflecting and rotating and grew and grew. Needs some more exciting colour perhaps but wanted to get them out there sooner rather than later!

Stem Motif


Wednesday 11 March 2009

A Proper Introduction

To introduce myself properly to anyone reading I'm a UK based designer with a graphic design background but am now finding myself increasingly involved in craft and printmaking.
My aim in doing this blog is to get some feedback about my work and to share my inspirations. So if any of my posts provoke a reaction then don't hold back!

Ok then... Lets get some photos on here.


I've just finished a screenprinting re-fresher course, here are the results... (More detailed pics to follow)

Having received a huge bunch of flowers for Valentines Day last month, I was guilted into making this...
Handmade Handbag
This is a bag I made for my sister's birthday.
I used the Toffee Apple sewing pattern from Melly & Me .

So that's my first proper entry. Comments are most welcome!

Tuesday 10 March 2009

My First Post

Welcome to my blog.
I am using this as a visual record of my designs and I hope to gain feedback and advice from other creatives.
Here goes...